Affluent Markets

Affluent Markets

Life insurance for the affluent offers exciting and complex planning opportunities.  Network Partners Int’l (NPI) has the depth of experience that can help you close more business and satisfy your client’s needs.

Estate Planning

Not so simple anymore.  Tax law changes make permanent strategies risky.  Life insurance can and should play an important role in providing necessary liquidity, cash for tax payments and providing for family members.

Business Markets –

Many affluent individuals and families have complex concerns around a closely held business.  Estate equalization, buy-sell agreements, and liquidity are critical.

Premium Finance for Life Insurance

Clients often have a need for life insurance but don’t want to liquidate other assets to pay their premiums.  Sophisticated clients appreciate the ability to use leverage to buy life insurance.  Network Partners Int’l. (NPI) understands the premium finance landscape.  You can avoid hassles and embarrassment by partnering with an industry leader in premium finance.

Captive Insurance Plans

Established to mitigate risk for business owners Captives can provide unique benefits.

IRA Wealth Transfer

IRA owners may protect beneficiaries and maximize wealth transfer by utilizing life insurance to minimize the tax burden that inheriting an IRA may impose on beneficiaries.